Certified Butterfly Garden # 1075

NABA Certified Butterfly Garden #1075 at the Texas Quilt Museum
NABA Certified Butterfly Garden #1075 at the Texas Quilt Museum

“Grandmother’s Garden” is a NABA Certified Butterfly Garden in LaGrange, TX at the Texas Quilt Museum. This period garden is styled after gardens from the 1890’s which is around the date that the museum buildings were built. The garden features native plants for pollinators, as well as a variety of antique roses.

The garden is named after a popular quilt pattern from the 1930’s. Designed to inspire creativity and contemplantion, “Grandmother’s Garden” is an example of the many ways that butterfly gardens can be created to serve both people and the environment.

The Texas Quilt Museum is holding its first juried competition, titled BUTTERFLY WHIRL, inspired by NABA, the National Butterfly Center, and the National Quilt Museum. The touring exhibit of these beautiful works of art in textiles will debut at the National Butterfly Center Labor Day weekend 2014! Look for an article about the exhibit in your coming issue of American Butterflies magazine.

Learn more at The Texas Quilt Museum

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