Lane County Butterfly Club – About
About the Lane County Butterfly Club
- Formed the Eugene-Springfield NABA in October of 2000, and in December of 2023, the name was officially changed to the Lane County Butterfly Club, a chapter of NABA
- Member Marta Makarushka, with assistance from several chapter members, completed the First Edition of the Lane County Pocket Guide to Butterflies in May 2003. The Third Edition is now in production. Ms. Makarushka has donated all proceeds from the sale of the Pocket Guide to the local NABA Chapter.
- Chapter President Neil Björklund wrote and published the new guide “Finding Lane County Butterflies,” and has donated all sales proceeds to the Lane County Butterfly Club.
- The Chapter sponsored presentations by Robert Michael Pyle, William Neill, Dave McCorkle, Paul Severns, Matthew Shepherd, Andy Warren, Dana Ross, Cheryl Schultz, and David Shepherdson, as well as presentations by local chapter members, with meeting attendance averaging over 40.
- The Chapter built a local membership of nearly 50 and a mailing list of more than 130 individuals.
- The Chapter organized eight 4th of July Butterfly Counts (two each in July 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004).
- Chapter officers and members led 12 additional field trips.
- NABA Eugene-Springfield has its own booth at the Mt. Pisgah Mushroom Show and the Mt. Pisgah Wildflower Show to sell NABA-Oregon T-shirts and books, and provide information to the public on butterflies, since fall, 2002.
- Member Eric Wold wrote an article on NABA Eugene-Springfield for Butterfly Gardener magazine.
- Member Neil Björklund wrote a feature article on butterfly hot-spots in southern Oregon for American Butterflies magazine.
- Members Eric Wold and Bruce Newhouse gave a presentation on butterfly gardening with native plants to more than 10 groups throughout western Oregon (from Portland to Eugene).
- Members Neil Björklund and Eric Wold collectively led four field trips at the national NABA meeting in July 2002. Neil also gave a slide presentation on Oregon Butterflies at the opening night session.
- Seven chapter members attended the 2002 national NABA conference in Bend.
- Chapter officers worked with local artist Tanya Harvey to create a NABA Eugene-Springfield t-shirt featuring a Sara Orangetip. More than 100 t-shirts have sold so far, making this a successful fundraiser for the Chapter.
- NABA officers fielded numerous questions via phone and email from people across Oregon and from several other states about Oregon butterflies and their habitats.
- Provided seed funds for a native butterfly garden at the Masonic Cemetery in south Eugene.
- Chapter Vice President Ellie Ryan created a butterfly garden at the Amazon Park Community Garden site.
- Organized two group purchases of native plants at wholesale prices for members.
- Created a website with information on: (1) butterfly gardening with native plants, (2) butterfly life cycles, (3) butterflies of Oregon, (4) recommended books, (5) recommended websites, (6) NABA-Oregon activities and more.
- NABA Eugene-Springfield and its members’ activities were featured in local media:
- Member Eric Wold’s butterfly garden was featured in the Register-Guard.
- Member Sharon Blick’s July 4 count group was featured in the Register-Guard in 2003.
- A NABA Eugene-Springfield field trip to Blair Lake was featured on KLCC’s “Natural World” radio program in 2003.
- NABA Eugene-Springfield educational activities were featured in the June 2003 issue of Alaska Airlines Magazine.
- Member Neil Björklund’s butterfly photos were featured in a butterfly gardening article in the Salem Statesman Journal.
- The new NABA Eugene-Springfield guide “Finding Lane County Butterflies” was featured in the Eugene Register-Guard in 2004.