NABA Butterfly Count data

*To submit your Counts Payment, click the SUBMIT COUNTS PAYMENT button above, choose the ‘Other’ button, fill in the dollar amount, click the ‘Donate’ button, fill out all the contact and payment information, and in the ‘Order notes’ field please state the name of your Count, the number of participants, and any other information you’d like to share. Thank you!

Many groups of scientists have used the NABA Butterfly Count data to address questions about butterfly biology and butterfly populations trends.

If you are a scientist who is on a university faculty, or a student of a scientist who is on university faculty, you can request access to NABA’s database.  Requests are sent to a scientific advisory committee and, if approved, a memorandum of understanding between the researcher and NABA can be entered into that will allow access to the data.  

Requests, including a general outline of the proposed research, may be sent to [email protected].